La diversità culturale alla prova della genetica Cultural diversity to the test of genetics

Silvia Salardi


Abstract:  We can look at the issue of cultural diversity from many different angles. A fruitful approach is the one based on the bioethical reflection related to the biolaw’s perspective. To follow this approach allows to relate the topic of cultural diversity to the questions arising from scientific advances, with particular attention paid to genetics. In order to establish a connection between cultural diversity and scientific advances, the paper will first deal with the problem of definition of concepts. The aim is to offer a conceptual map where the concept of cultural diversity is related to the concept of biological diversity. Secondly, information resulting from the conceptual map will be corroborated by testing the outcomes in the light of recent genetic studies. Eventually, the legal dimension will be analyzed in order to underline the relevance of protecting cultural and biological diversity within the framework of fundamental rights.


Keywords: Cultural diversity, biological diversity, fundamental rights, nature v. nurture debate, Bioethics and biolaw


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