Hypo-Loop Container Freight Transport: PART II Macro-Imagineering New World Macro-Projects

Richard B. Cathcart, Charles W. Finkl


The proposed Hypo-Loop megaproject, which would tunnel under the Darién Gap, could provide a safe conduit for the transport of container freight and passengers between Panama and Colombia. The advantage of a tunnel linking Central America with South America is that transport would be via an underground low-pressure steel tube that alleviates terrestrial compromises of the environmentally sensitive Darién Gap ecosystem, which is recognized as an important natural environmental linkage between Panama and Colombia. This tunnel link is technically feasible using today’s modern tunnel boring methods that are amenable to providing infrastructure for mixed modal train transport. The Darién Gap Hypo-Loop Macro-project has the potential to provide environmentally safe transport across sensitive ecosystems by tunneling beneath them and at the same time opening up expansive transfer of goods and materials in the New World. Initiation and completion of the Hypo-Loop under the Darién Gap landscape would bring this region into the 21st Century as a showcase for enhancing the quality of life and improving New World economic systems.

Key-words: Panama, Columbia, Atrato River, Hypo-Loop, passenger pods, containerized freight shipment, Darién Gap, Panama Canal, tunneling technology.


O megaprojeto Hypo-Loop proposto, com tunelamento sob o Darién Gap, poderia fornecer um canal seguro para o transporte de contêineres e passageiros entre o Panamá e a Colômbia. A vantagem de um túnel que liga a América Central à América do Sul é que o transporte seria por meio de um tubo de aço subterrâneo de baixa pressão que evitaria o comprometimento do ecossistema Darién Gap, reconhecido como um importante vínculo ambiental natural entre o Panamá e a Colômbia. Esse  túnel é tecnicamente viável pelos métodos modernos de perfuração, capazes de fornecer infraestrutura para um modal misto. O macroprojeto Darién Gap Hypo-Loop tem o potencial de fornecer transporte ambientalmente seguro através de ecossistemas sensíveis, encapsulando-o sob eles e, ao mesmo tempo, abrindo um amplo intercâmbio de bens e materiais no Novo Mundo. No cenário do Darién Gap, a realização do Hypo-Loop faria dessa região uma vitrine sobre a melhoria da qualidade de vida e dos sistemas econômicos do Novo Mundo no século XXI.

Palavras-chave: Panamá, Colômbia, Rio Atrato, Hypo-Loop, cápsulas de passageiros, remessa de carga em contêiner, Darién Gap, Canal do Panamá, tecnologia de tunelamento.

Texto completo:



Sabonge, R. and Sanchez, R.J. (2020) Chapter 7, pages 100-116, “The Panama and Suez Canals: Re-engineered to be competitive” IN Wilmsmeier, G. (Ed.) Geographies of Maritime Transport: Transport, Mobilities and Spatial Change. Edward Elgar, UK. 400 pages.

Adamowicz, W. et al. (19 March 2019) “Assessing ecological infrastructure investments” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116: 5254-5261.

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Rockwell, T. et al. (December 2010) “Neotectonics and Paleoseismology of the Limon and Pedro Miguel Faults in Panama: Earthquake Hazard to the Panama Canal” Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 100: 1-33.

McElroy, W.C. (16 April 2019) Border Security Solved With High Speed Rail: Generating Jobs Using Existing Solutions. ISBN: 9781094869858, San Bernardino, CA. 101 pages.

Miller, S.W. (1 April 2014) “Minding the Gap: Pan-Americanism’s Highway, American Environmentalism, and Remembering the Failure to Close the Darién Gap” Environmental History 19: 189-216.

Anon. (22 March 2019) “Panama-Columbia Electricity Interconnection Plan Returns” CentralAmericaData.com.

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Weinberg, Boris (January-June 1917) “Five hundred miles an hour” Popular Science Monthly 90: 705-708. SEE also: Janzen, R. (2017) “TransPod Ultra-High-Speed Tube Transportation: Dynamics of Vehicles and Infrastructure” Procedia Engineering 199: 8-17.


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Direitos autorais 2020 Richard B. Cathcart, Charles W. Finkl

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