A Postscript Technical Report on Gravitational Driving

Nilo Serpa


The aim of this postscript is to broaden the understanding of the model described in reference [8], as well as the mathematical approach to the theory previously discussed by examining the junction between two manifolds. Present work also makes some comments about metamaterials in the theoretical context of warp drives engineering.

Key words: warp driving, junction, metamaterial.


O objetivo deste pós-escrito é ampliar o entendimento do modelo descrito na referência [8], bem como a abordagem matemática da teoria discutida anteriormente, examinando a junção entre duas variedades. O presente trabalho também faz alguns comentários sobre metamateriais no contexto teórico da engenharia de warp drives.

Palavras-chave: warp driving, junção, metamaterial.


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5204448

Texto completo:



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Lentz, E. (2021) "Breaking the warp barrier: Hyper-fast solitons in Einstein-Maxwell-plasma theory" arXiv:2006.07125v2.

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Smolyaninov, I. (2021) "Metamaterial-based model of the Alcubierre warp drive" arXiv:1009.5663v2.

Serpa, N. (2021) "Gravitational driving: Geodesics warped by solitons of acceleration" CALIBRE 6(1) 1-20.

Obousy, R., Cleaver, G. (2008) "Warp drive: A new approach" arXiv:0712.1649v6.


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Direitos autorais 2021 Nilo Serpa

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CALIBRE - Revista Brasiliense de Engenharia e Física Aplicada

ISSN Eletrônico: 2526-4192


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