The Philosophy of Cosmology: Meeting Kant Again

Nilo Serpa, Robson Pedro Veras


Scrutinizing the history of mankind, we see that few things truly distinguish us as a "smart" species. One of them is the ability to develop philosophy, that is, critical thoughts that can lead to better ideas. By some distortion of the goals that should guide us to the future with real progress, we are abandoning reflective thinking to give way to the illusions of pure technology. With respect to the heavens, a side effect of this abandonment is that we are at a loss as to the choices of really fundamental subjects in cosmology, which, once treated with due attention, could shed light on minor issues. The point we are discussing here is precisely the type of choice we should make, assuming that spurious choices which do not respond to test programs, even if restricted, are excluded.



Texto completo:



Barthes, R.(1964/2000). Elementos de semiologia. Cultrix, São Paulo, 1-116.

Ellis, G., "On the philosophy of cosmology", Talk at Granada Meeting, 2011.

Hedrich, R. (2010). Quantum gravity: Motivations and alternatives. Physics and Philosophy 016 1-47.

Hegel, G.(1801/2012). As órbitas dos planetas. Confraria do Vento, Rio de Janeiro, 1-107.

Kaku, M. (2018). O futuro da humanidade. Planeta do Brasil, São Paulo, 1-367.

Kant, I. Critique of pure reason (1781/1998). Cambridge University Press. 1-785.

Kant, I. Kritik der reinen Vernunft (1781/2004). Wilherlm Weischedel. Suhrkamp. 1-717.

Kant, I. Prolegomena zu einer jeden künftigen Metaphysik (1783/2016). Hofenberg. 1-130.


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Direitos autorais 2023 Nilo Serpa, Robson Pedro Veras

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CALIBRE - Revista Brasiliense de Engenharia e Física Aplicada

ISSN Eletrônico: 2526-4192


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