Morphological aspects of opossum (Didelphis aurita) pancreas during intramarsupial development

Priscila Izabel Santos de Tótaro, Guilherme de Oliveira Ferreira dos Santos, Clóvis Andrade Neves, Cláudio Cesar Fonseca, Sirlene Souza Rodrigues Sartori


Abstract: This study reported the relevant morphological features found in the pancreas of the Brazilian opossum Didelphis aurita, a marsupial mammal, during its intramarsupial development. Newborns and young opossums removed from the pouch were divided into groups according to their average body length. The animals with few hours of intramarsupial life had visibly immature pancreas, due to the presence of early arrangement of endocrine and exocrine components. There was an only very large pancreatic duct, and blood vessels full of nucleated erythrocytes. In the individuals who were in the second third of intramarsupial development, the exocrine components were arranged in developing acini and endocrine cells were found arranged in early islets. The presence of connective tissue and the division of the organ into lobes became more evident at this stage. In the last third of the external gestation, we found better structured acini with relatively small lumens. The islets were well-organized, and the presence of connective tissue around them was the most evident. Morphometric analyses showed considerable variations in the proportion of pancreatic structural components between the stages of intramarsupial development, indicating that marsupial pancreas undergoes morphological modifications and grows during the period of external gestation.


Keywords: Embryo; Marsupials; Digestive system; Organogenesis.


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